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Setup Guide

SendGrid Setup

This app sends an email to the appropriate vendor whenever an order is placed that includes a product assigned to them. The app uses Sendgrid as the email provider to send those emails. When first installing Dropship you'll be directed to the settings page to connect a SendGrid account. You can also update your settings information at any time using the settings button at the top right of the screen.

How to Create a SendGrid API Key

  1. Create a SendGrid account
  2. Go to SendGrid’s API Keys page.
  3. Click on “Create API Key”.
  4. Name your key (e.g., "MyApp Email Sender").
  5. Under Permissions, select the scopes you need (typically "Full Access" or "Send Mail").
  6. Click “Create & View” to see your new API key.
  7. Copy and securely store the API key.
  8. Paste it into the application’s settings to enable sending emails.
Note: Treat your API key like a password—keep it safe and do not share it.

How to Create a SendGrid Verified Email
  1. Sign in to your SendGrid account.
  2. Click on “Settings” in the left sidebar and select “Sender Authentication”.
  3. Click “Verify a Single Sender” and fill out the required information.
  4. Check your email for a verification link from SendGrid. Once verified, the sender will show up as verified in your SendGrid dashboard.
  5. Return to “Sender Authentication”, under "Verified Senders” to see your approved emails to send from.
Note: It's recommended to verify your domain as well for better deliverability, but single sender verification is sufficient for basic sending needs.

Order Status Trigger

How does it work?

The Order Status Trigger is a setting that controls when vendors receive email notifications about orders containing their products. Think of it as a "trigger point" in the order process. The default is "Awaiting Fulfillment".  

  1. Customer places an order containing products from Vendor A and Vendor B 
  2. Store owner marks order as "Awaiting Fulfillment"
  3. System automatically sends:
    • Email to Vendor A about their products in the order
    • Email to Vendor B about their products in the order


Vendor Settings Guide


The vendor form allows you to configure vendors who will receive order notifications for their products. Here's what each section does:

Details Panel

  • Enable/Disable Toggle: Switch in the top-right corner to activate or deactivate the vendor
  • Name: The vendor's display name (required)
  • Internal Note: Private notes visible only to store administrators
  • Vendor Emails: Add multiple email addresses that will receive order notifications
    • Use the "Add Email" button to include additional recipient emails
    • Each email must be valid and unique

Channels Panel

  • Select which sales channels this vendor belongs to
  • Channels represent different storefronts or marketplaces where your products are sold
  • A vendor can be associated with multiple channels

Email Settings Panel

Configure how order notification emails appear to this vendor:

  1. Email Greeting: Custom greeting at the start of each email

    • Example: "Hello from [Store Name]"
    • Optional field
  2. Email Subject Line: The subject line for order notification emails

    • Required field
    • Example: "New Order Notification"
  3. Email Footer: Custom message at the bottom of each email

    • Optional field
    • Example: "Thank you for your partnership"
  4. BCC Email: Additional email address to receive copies of notifications

    • Optional field
    • Must be different from vendor emails
    • Useful for keeping records or monitoring communications

Categories Panel

  • Browse and select product categories this vendor supplies
  • Organized in a tree structure matching your BigCommerce store categories
  • Select multiple categories as needed
  • Helps organize which vendors supply which types of products

Products Panel

  • Search for specific products to assign to this vendor
  • Add or remove products as needed
  • Only products assigned to a vendor will trigger notifications to them
  • Products can be filtered and searched by name

Email Template

When an order is placed, vendors receive an email containing:

  • Order Details (Date and Reference Number)
  • List of Products (Names and Quantities)
  • Shipping Address
  • Your custom greeting and footer

Important Notes

  • Vendors must be enabled to receive notifications
  • All email addresses must be unique within a vendor's configuration
  • At least one email address is required for notifications to work




Accessing and Understanding Logs

  1. From any page, click the "Settings" gear icon in the top right
  2. Click the "View Logs" button in the top right

Working with Logs

  1. Search: Use the search bar to filter logs by:
    • Order numbers
    • Message content
    • Log type
  2. Navigation:
    • Use left/right arrows to move between pages
    • Most recent logs appear first
    • Each page shows up to 100 entries
  3. Common Messages:
    • "Order {id} processed" - Successful order completion
    • "Order {id} processed with {X} failed emails" - Some vendor notifications failed
    • "No vendors found for order {id}" - Order couldn't be matched to vendors
    • "Order {id} has already been processed" - Duplicate processing attempt

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