Setup Guide
SendGrid Setup
This app sends an email to the appropriate vendor whenever an order is placed that includes a product assigned to them. The app uses Sendgrid as the email provider to send those emails. When first installing Dropship you'll be directed to the settings page to connect a SendGrid account. You can also update your settings information at any time using the settings button at the top right of the screen.
How to Create a SendGrid API Key
- Create a SendGrid account
- Go to SendGrid’s API Keys page.
- Click on “Create API Key”.
- Name your key (e.g., "MyApp Email Sender").
- Under Permissions, select the scopes you need (typically "Full Access" or "Send Mail").
- Click “Create & View” to see your new API key.
- Copy and securely store the API key.
- Paste it into the application’s settings to enable sending emails.
How to Create a SendGrid Verified Email
- Sign in to your SendGrid account.
- Click on “Settings” in the left sidebar and select “Sender Authentication”.
- Click “Verify a Single Sender” and fill out the required information.
- Check your email for a verification link from SendGrid. Once verified, the sender will show up as verified in your SendGrid dashboard.
- Return to “Sender Authentication”, under "Verified Senders” to see your approved emails to send from.
Order Status Trigger
How does it work?
The Order Status Trigger is a setting that controls when vendors receive email notifications about orders containing their products. Think of it as a "trigger point" in the order process. The default is "Awaiting Fulfillment".
- Customer places an order containing products from Vendor A and Vendor B
- Store owner marks order as "Awaiting Fulfillment"
- System automatically sends:
- Email to Vendor A about their products in the order
- Email to Vendor B about their products in the order
Vendor Settings Guide
The vendor form allows you to configure vendors who will receive order notifications for their products. Here's what each section does:
Details Panel
- Enable/Disable Toggle: Switch in the top-right corner to activate or deactivate the vendor
- Name: The vendor's display name (required)
- Internal Note: Private notes visible only to store administrators
- Vendor Emails: Add multiple email addresses that will receive order notifications
- Use the "Add Email" button to include additional recipient emails
- Each email must be valid and unique
Channels Panel
- Select which sales channels this vendor belongs to
- Channels represent different storefronts or marketplaces where your products are sold
- A vendor can be associated with multiple channels
Email Settings Panel
Configure how order notification emails appear to this vendor:
Email Greeting: Custom greeting at the start of each email
- Example: "Hello from [Store Name]"
- Optional field
Email Subject Line: The subject line for order notification emails
- Required field
- Example: "New Order Notification"
Email Footer: Custom message at the bottom of each email
- Optional field
- Example: "Thank you for your partnership"
BCC Email: Additional email address to receive copies of notifications
- Optional field
- Must be different from vendor emails
- Useful for keeping records or monitoring communications
Categories Panel
- Browse and select product categories this vendor supplies
- Organized in a tree structure matching your BigCommerce store categories
- Select multiple categories as needed
- Helps organize which vendors supply which types of products
Products Panel
- Search for specific products to assign to this vendor
- Add or remove products as needed
- Only products assigned to a vendor will trigger notifications to them
- Products can be filtered and searched by name
Email Template
When an order is placed, vendors receive an email containing:
- Order Details (Date and Reference Number)
- List of Products (Names and Quantities)
- Shipping Address
- Your custom greeting and footer
Important Notes
- Vendors must be enabled to receive notifications
- All email addresses must be unique within a vendor's configuration
- At least one email address is required for notifications to work
Accessing and Understanding Logs
- From any page, click the "Settings" gear icon in the top right
- Click the "View Logs" button in the top right
Working with Logs
- Search: Use the search bar to filter logs by:
- Order numbers
- Message content
- Log type
- Navigation:
- Use left/right arrows to move between pages
- Most recent logs appear first
- Each page shows up to 100 entries
- Common Messages:
- "Order {id} processed" - Successful order completion
- "Order {id} processed with {X} failed emails" - Some vendor notifications failed
- "No vendors found for order {id}" - Order couldn't be matched to vendors
- "Order {id} has already been processed" - Duplicate processing attempt
For support: Contact